The live-blog of 2009's Eurovision contest!
Posted In finaali, final, live-blog | 0 comments |
The poll for the final is ready! Are you?
La encuesta pal ganador de 2009 yá ta llista na columna la drecha. Podeis votar namás por un candidatu pero ye posible cambiar el votu si vos presta más otru país dempués. Los países tan ordenaos pol orden de participación. Esto quier dicir que Finlandia y España son los dos últimos. Tovía nun tengo favoritu así qu'esperaré a ver les actuaciones. Vémonos esta nueche comentando'n directu la final!!
Posted In Final poll 2009 | 0 comments |
Voulez-vous danser avec moi?
D'un tiempu nel que tovía taba de moda cantar l'estribillu'n Francés. José Velez presentóse con esta canción en 1978 pero nun tuvo nada que facer escontra'l favoritu de Kati (y míu). Qué tiempos tan estraños cantando canciones israelíes y acabando la coleción de cromos de Star Wars...
Posted In España, Old timers | 0 comments |
Never went 2 Eurovision but they should (1): Mónica Naranjo
Esto ye un poquitín heterodoxu pero puede ser divertú facer una serie proponiendo peña que debió dir a Eurovisón. Siempre pensé que Mónica Naranjo llevaríalo de calle. Será que ye "demasíau Eurovisión" incluso pa Eurovisón?
Posted In Mónica Naranjo, Never went 2 Eurovision but they should | 0 comments |
Laughing Eyes 1988 by Bulevardi
Posted In Old timers, Suomi | 1 comments |
Ten more to the final
Moi! dempués la 2a semi d'ayer clasificáronse diez países más: Acerbayán, Croacia, Ucrania, Litania, Albania, Moldavia, Dinamarca, Estonia, Norway y Grecia. Nun hai muches sorpreses, pasaron les macizorres d'Ucrania, el chavalín Noruegu y el macizu Griegu. Voi echar mucho de menos a los holandeses. The Toppers llevaben esi rollu kitsch que tantu falta esti año. Agora mesmo nun tengu ningún favoritu claru...
Posted In 2nd semifinal | 2 comments |
Lapponia 1977
Posted In Old timers, Suomi | 1 comments |
SUOMI FINAALIIN: 1st semifinal & live-blog summary
For those of you that still wonder what this live-blogging thing is all about, you can check the one we did for this semifinal. This time it was mostly Finnish (Kiitos Kati, Tintsu, Anne ja Mari), but if you scroll down to the middle you will find some bits in English while Cim joined from Florida (Loistava Cim!). In principle next saturday will be some Asturian, Catalan and Scotish participation, so the mixing of languages is bound to be larger.
The best were the performances during the breaks: Russian (formerly red) Army Choir, dancers, cheerleaders... you name it. Quite cliché but always fun. See you on Saturday for the Final!!!
Al final los diez clasificaos fueron: FINLANDIA!, Turquía, Suecia, Israel, Portugal, Malta, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Rumanía y Islandia. Así que les nuestres predicciones nun fallaron muncho (si quitamos Malta y la roxa d'Islandia que nun nos molaron nada). Un añu más quedó bien claro que los videos de presentación son muncho (pero que muncho) meyores que les actuaciones en vivo. Claros exemplos fueron Montenegro y Bulgaria (especialmente n'esti últimu el cantante fue penosu).
Pa los que tovía vos preguntais qué ye esto del live blog, podeis mirar el que ficimos pala semi. Esta vez la composición fue mayoritariamente Finesa (gracies Kati, Tintsu, Anne y Mari), pero si mirais pola mitá'l "live-blog" vereis un cachín n'Inglés cuando Cim entró dende Florida (thanks Cim!). Pala final espérase participación d'Asturies, Escocia y Catalana, asi que la mecigaya de llingues promete :)
Lo meyor les actuaciones nes pauses, el coru l'exércitu (enantes "rojo") Rusu, bailles tradicionales, cheerleaders, tolos topiconos pero mui prestosos. Vémonos el sábadu na final!!
Posted In 1st semifinal, live-blog, Suomi | 0 comments |
Eurovision - Sweden, ABBA
An Eurovision's classic
Un clásicu eurovisivu
Posted In Old timers, Ruotsi, Suecia | 0 comments |
1st Semifinal's Live Blog!
Posted In 1st semifinal, live-blog | 0 comments |
How about this man's man? Israel 1978
Posted In Ah-Bah-Nee-Bee, Disco, Israel, Old timers | 2 comments |
Raphael "Yo soy aquel" 1966
Eduardo Guerra uploaded this to the blog and I deleted it by mistake (sorry). I upload it again. In Guerra's words: the competition in the 60's was much better when "men were men" and Mari commented that her legs were shivering.
Posted In España, Old timers, raphael | 0 comments |
Eurovision 1969 - Spain - Salomé - Vivo cantando
This year spanish singer wear a very similar clothes than Salomé (more short of course)
Esti año visten a Soraya parecio a Salomé, más cortucu eso si pa alegrar la pestaña
Posted In España, Old timers | 0 comments |
The Shinning - Hohto - El Resplandor
Cuidáu colos desprendimentos retina!!!! Esti añu los holandeses sálense!
Posted In Holanda, Hollanti, Kitsch, The Shinning | 3 comments |
One of the most beautiful ever: Mocedades & Eres tu 1973
Posted In España, Mocedades, Old timers | 1 comments |
Spain ZERO points!
This year perhaps the most serious ones (leaving aside cheesy ballads) are Israel and France. Maye be they manage to get some points. Israel with its indirect message of hope to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and France due to the reputation and popularity of Patricia Kaas, let's see...
Posted In Ay quién maneja mi barca, España, Old timers, Serious, Zero Points | 2 comments |
Jasmin and her hair
Jasmin and her hair in 1996.... What was the hair stylist thinking?! She missed the lyrics!
Posted In hairstyle, Old timers, Suomi | 1 comments |
True to the Eurovision style: Shallow analysis on the Scandinavian participators
Firstly and not that I'm taking any sides, Finland's song is sounding better the more I listen to it. In the national contest earlier this spring I thought that Waldo's sounded bland and old fashioned (I'm not too keen on the nineties' style) but now I have started to think that the song really works and even the video in all its simplicity is good. The hectic dance beat works for me for the first time since Darude's Sandstorm.
Sweden trusts on glamour this year, although I think that the show is above all a humoristic one. The singer looks like she really is not serious about the whole thing. This song would suite perfectly in a drag show (to be honest, I first though it really was one:)- in all its glitter and pompousness. Anyway, I like this kind of kitsch.
Norway's Alexander is a hottie, the show is energetic and happy. Perhaps I'm too old, because in all the trendyness and bursting energy for me it feels a bit unfocused, somehow too much. Denmark's song is a refreshing back-to-basics love song, which they often offer in these arenas, but there's nothing particular in the song. Not a winner, I think. Iceland is on the same track, but the girl is a good singer and a joy for the (male) eyes. Where does this small nation find these interesting, strong artists year after year? But the classic ballad will not be in the top three, I anticipate.
Anyway, the Scandinavians will do well in the competition 'cause all the shows are produced carefully. Perhaps the final umph is missing, but you never know until the points start to gather on the chart. Have fun tonight!
Posted In Darude's Sandstorm, Dinamarca, Islandia, Islanti, Ruotsi, Scandinavia, Suecia, Suomi, Tanska | 0 comments |
Queer factor
Montenegro - Myös Suomen kanssa 1. semifinaalissa Con Finlandia na 1a semifinal del martes
Village people tunnelma ja alku on kopio Donna Summerin Hot Stuff kappalesta
Rollu Village People y la entrada ta sacada directamente del Hot Stuff the Donna Summer
Posted In Montenegro, Queer | 0 comments |
Medieval soft-porn meets Jimmy Somerville
Jos et muista kuka Jimmy Somerville on
Si nun t'alcuerdes de quién ye Jimmy Somerville
Posted In Bulgaria, Soft-Porn | 0 comments |
Teinityttöjen suosikki - El favoritu les mocines
Norja Noruega "Cuteness overdose"
Posted In Norja, Noruega | 0 comments |
6-pack 4 the ladies
Saksa Alemania
... ja huhut kertoo että Dita Von Teese voi strippaa euroviisuissa Saksan riveissä
...y dizse que Dita Von Teese puede facer un striptis na actuación d'Alemania
Posted In 6-pack, Alemania, Saksa | 1 comments |
Armenia meets Värttinä meets Bollywood
Suomella on vaikea homma semifinaalissa värikäs Armeniaa vastaan
La gayaspera Armenia ye un rival difícil pa Finlandia nes semis
Posted In Armenia | 1 comments |
Ukraina Ucrania
Posted In Soft-Porn, Ucrania, Ukraina | 3 comments |
Elvis lives!
Belgiassa En Bélxica
Posted In Belgia, Bélxica | 0 comments |
2009 suosikit - Los favoritos 2009
Posted In Azerbaijan, España, favoritos, Norja, Noruega, Ruotsi, Suecia, Suomi, suosikit, Turkki, Turquía | 1 comments |
Suomi & España
Espanja. This year Spain's song is yet a disappointment. Following the hottie+eastern rhythms is hopeless against the steaming Turkish singer or the Ukranian sex bomb.
Esti añu nun me da más pola canción española. Apuntáronse a la fórmula maciza+ritmos de l'Este y por esi camín poco tenemos que facer contra la maciza de Turquía o la bomba sesuarrrl d'Ucrania
Finlandia. Quite catchy but I'm unsure whether this band has enough kitsch spirit to get far in the competition (I'd rather like them to sing in Finnish). Still we'll support them in the 1st semifinal next Tuesday (12.5)
Anque pegadiza, pamidea fálta-yos el componente hortera necesariu (amás de cantar n'Inglés). Aún así animarémoslos na 1a semifinal del martes que vien (12.5)
Posted In España, Suomi | 0 comments |
Tervetuloa Bienveníos Welcome!
In the meantime I'll try warming up the waiting by uploading some videos relating to the event. Let me know if you want to upload stuff here in the meantime and I'll send you and invitation!
Asturian, Finnish, English and any other language (or mixture of them) can be used (aren't we clever?)
Let's start with a photo at the first rehearsal of Finland...
Posted In Bienveníos, Suomi, Tervetuloa, Welcome | 0 comments |