The live-blog of 2009's Eurovision contest!

Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 11:45 AM

The poll for the final is ready! Are you?

Friday, May 15, 2009 at 11:41 PM
We have the poll for the 2009 winner ready on the right panel. You can vote for one country only but it is possible to change your mind and switch your vote later. The countries are listed on the order in which they will perform. This means that Finland and Spain are the last ones. I still don't have a clear favourite so I'll wait to see the performances. See you all this night commenting live the final!!
La encuesta pal ganador de 2009 yá ta llista na columna la drecha. Podeis votar namás por un candidatu pero ye posible cambiar el votu si vos presta más otru país dempués. Los países tan ordenaos pol orden de participación. Esto quier dicir que Finlandia y España son los dos últimos. Tovía nun tengo favoritu así qu'esperaré a ver les actuaciones. Vémonos esta nueche comentando'n directu la final!!

Voulez-vous danser avec moi?

at 9:54 AM
From a time where it was still fashionable singing the chorus in French. José Velez sang "Quieres que vailemos un vals?" in 1978 but Kati's (and mine) favourite won. What a time, singing Israeli songs, finishing my Star Wars trading card's collection...
D'un tiempu nel que tovía taba de moda cantar l'estribillu'n Francés. José Velez presentóse con esta canción en 1978 pero nun tuvo nada que facer escontra'l favoritu de Kati (y míu). Qué tiempos tan estraños cantando canciones israelíes y acabando la coleción de cromos de Star Wars...

Never went 2 Eurovision but they should (1): Mónica Naranjo

at 9:25 AM
This is a bit heterodox but it can be fun suggesting good candidates for Eurovision. I always thought that Mónica Naranjo would have had very good chances to win. Mabye she's too Eurovision for Eurovision?
Esto ye un poquitín heterodoxu pero puede ser divertú facer una serie proponiendo peña que debió dir a Eurovisón. Siempre pensé que Mónica Naranjo llevaríalo de calle. Será que ye "demasíau Eurovisión" incluso pa Eurovisón?

Laughing Eyes 1988 by Bulevardi

at 7:54 AM
Talking about real men, how about this one: "be bold and relax, throw away your tension and laugh!" No wonder they want to laugh - what else can you do with that hair.

Ten more to the final

Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 10:58 PM
Moi!, after yesterday's 2nd semifinal ten more countries qualified: Azerbaijan, Croatia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Albania, Moldova, Denmark, Estonia, Norway and Greece. No surprises here either, the erotic Ukraine, cute Norway and handsome Greece went through. However, I'm going to miss terribly the Netherlands. The Toppers had the kitsch vibe that this year's edition is missing terribly. At this point I don't have a clear favourite myself...
Moi! dempués la 2a semi d'ayer clasificáronse diez países más: Acerbayán, Croacia, Ucrania, Litania, Albania, Moldavia, Dinamarca, Estonia, Norway y Grecia. Nun hai muches sorpreses, pasaron les macizorres d'Ucrania, el chavalín Noruegu y el macizu Griegu. Voi echar mucho de menos a los holandeses. The Toppers llevaben esi rollu kitsch que tantu falta esti año. Agora mesmo nun tengu ningún favoritu claru...

Lapponia 1977

at 2:06 PM
A national pride from Finland: